About Me
- Lorna
- Im Lorna im 35 with 1 son whos 11 i have been psp for a few years now on and off and decided now its time to get back into psp and tutorials lol
My License Numbers
- Ismael Rac - IRL2308J
- Scraps And The City - SATC2089
- PicForDesigns - PFD_lornaj172
- psp tubes emporium - PTE2560
- Zindy Nielsen - ZZT869
- AMI - lojo
- Cilm- ci-lm2649
- UpYourArt - 1631
- Barbara Jensen - BJ1242
- Gorjuss - SW577
- MPT - mpt9609
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Beautiful Witch
This tutorial was written by me on the 5/10/2011
Any reseblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Supplies needed
Tube of choice : I used the gorg tube of Alicia Mujica which is pay to use.
Please do not use the same tube unless you have a license to do so you can purchase Alicia's tubes HERE.
Template 109 by Rachel at scraps of Enchantment you can download it from her blog HERE
Mask : Mask is number12 by weescotlass you can download them from her blog HERE.
Pluggin : Xero radiance
: Muras Miester - copies
Lets get started.
Open up the template by Rachel
circle backgorund active add a new raster layer floodfill white and move below circle layer
add another raster layer and floodfill with a colour from your tube.
layer, new mask layer from image and load the mask
layers merge, merge group. i duplicated this mask layer then went image, mirror, flip.
circle layer active, selections, select all, selections, float, selections defloat, floodfill with colour of choice.
REPEAT the above steps for each layer.
Grey strip layer active , effects, texture effects, weave with these settings :
gap size 1, width 4, opacity 1, weave colour grey, gap colour a lighter shade of grey, fill gaps checked.
make the circle layer active again.
Using a font of choice type out words of choice i did beautifull witch on size 6.convert to raster layer.
apply Muras miester copies on these settings.
change the preset menu to tiling, and change the gap size to 5 and apply.
leave that layer a minute and again make the circle layer active.
selections select all, selections invert.
make the words layer active and hit delete on your keyboard.
selections, select none.
Top background layer active, selections select all, selections float, selections defloat. selections invert.
copy and paste your tube as a new layer and place to you liking in the selected area then hit delete on your keyboard.
selections, select none.
duplicate the tube layer, on the duplicate, adjust, blur, gauissian blur set to 5.
then apply xero radiance and change the blend mode to screen.
Do the exact same for the bottom background but instead change the hue and saturation to 0 and change the blend mode to soft light
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer and place to the right.
Add dropshadow of choice to your different layers and add embelishments of choice.
Add your © info and your name and your done
save as a png or jpeg and finished.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Happy Halloween
This tutorial was writting by me on the 4/10/2011 any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Supplies Needed.
Tube of choice : I am using the work of Zindy Nielsen this is a PTU tube. Please donot use the same tube unless you have a license to do so.
You can buy Zindys tubes from her store HERE
Scrapkit : This is a blog train freebie by Tootypup Scraps you can download it from her blog HERE
Whitches n Britches kit.
Mask : Mask by Vix Halloween1 you can get them HERE
Lets get started
open a new image 600 x 600 floodfill
Layer, new raster later floodfill with black or colour of choice.
Layer, new mask layer, from image. apply Vix halloween mask.
layers, merge, merge group. Resize to liking.
Copy and paste Halloween moon as a new layer
copy and paste halloween03 as a new layer, place the right side of the moon.
Copy and paste tree stump as a new layer and place to the right side of the house.
copy and paste halloween_6 as a new layer and place infront and abit to the left of the other layers.
copy and paste couldron as a new layer and place to the left.
copy and paste your tube as a new layer.
Add all © info and your name
Save as a jpeg or png and your finished.
Monday, 3 October 2011
This tutorial was written by me on the 4/10/2011
any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental
Supplies Needed
Tube of choice : Im using the awesome work of Zindy Nielsen you can get them HERE.
Please donot use the same tube unless you have the license to do so.
ScrapKit Glitter by Tamie from Addictive pleasures you can buy this from Tamies store HERE
Pluggin : Xero - Porcelain
Vix mask 108 which you can download from her site HERE
Weescotslass mask 353 which you can get HERE
Lets get started
Make a new image 700 x 700 floodfill white.
Copy and paste lace heart as a new layer.
Using you magic wand click inside the heart.
selections modify expand by 2.
selections invert.
copy and paste paper12 as a new layer then hit delete on this layer
open tube of choice and copy and paste as a new layer
Place to your liking then again hit delete.
selections, select none.
move the lace heart so its the top layer.
tube layer active duplicate
duplicate tube layer active, adjust, blur, gaussian blur change this to 5
on your layer pallette change the blend mode to screen
make you bottom canvas later active
copy and paste layer 4 as a new layer
open up Vix mask, layer new mask layer, from image, find vix mask n source luminance checked.
layers merge, merge group.
Open up the mask by weescotslass and repeat.
copy and paste embelishments of choice i used flowers and a butterfly
Add a drop shadow to your layers.
add all © info and you name and were done.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
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